The curriculum offered from Years 7 to 10 is designed to provide all students with a wide variety of educational experiences that will adequately prepare them for further study in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM), and enable them to take their place in society as well educated, responsible adults. Our curriculum offers subjects from each of the disciplines and includes interdisciplinary teaching and learning, in addition to Religious Education.
The curriculum design of the Year 7- 10 classes is based on the core program of Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Languages and Health and Physical Education. To compliment these foundation studies, students are offered a wide range of elective choices.
The Victorian Curriculum sets out what every student should learn during their years of schooling. Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College has implemented the Victorian Curriculum, so as to ensure all students have a common set of knowledge and skills required to become life-long learners. The Victorian Curriculum incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards.
Students have varying cognitive, social, emotional and physical needs according to their differing capacities, qualities and aptitudes. The comprehensive and systematic curriculum provides for these various needs.
The range of options offered allows each student to pursue an educational course that will more than adequately prepare them for their lives after secondary school. The curriculum is forward-looking and focuses on giving students the capacity for lifelong learning, a thorough grounding in foundation knowledge and skills, and the capacity to be adaptable and flexible in a changing world.